Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Zoology XII - Reproductive Health 03

Question : 1
Oral pills are very effective with lesser side effects and are well accepted by the females. They prevent conception by

Inhibiting ovulation

Inhibiting implantation

Altering the quality of cervix mucus to prevent/retard the entry of sperms
All of these
Solution :
Oral pills inhibit ovulation, implantation as well as alter the quality of cervical mucus to prevent/retard entry of sperms.
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Question : 2
Which of the following will be included under hormonal releasing IUDs?

Multiload 375


Solution :
Progestasert and LNG-20 are hormone releasing IUDs.
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Question : 3
Which contraceptive method can be considered as best if the female is about 42 years old and has no desire for extending her family?



Oral pills
Solution :
Surgical methods are generally advised for the male/female partner as a terminal method to prevent any more pregnancies.
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Question : 4
Saheli a new oral contraceptive for female contain a non-steroidal preparation
(a) Taken once a week
(b) Very few side effect and high contraceptive value
(c) Prevent ovulation as well as implantation
(d) Research product of CDRI, Lucknow
How many of the above statements are correct w.r.t. Saheli?



Solution :
Saheli is a non-steroidal preparation and prevents the functioning of corpus luteum thus prevents only implantation.
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Question : 5
Mark the injectable contraceptive



Solution :
Depo-provera is an injectable contraceptive.
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Question : 6
Given below is a diagrammatic representation of method of contraception. Choose the incorrect statement.

It is fitted under the skin of upper arm by a relatively simple surgical procedure

It prevents ovulation and implantation as well as also retard the entry of sperms into the uterus
It has maximum failure rate and is effective for three to four months

It consist of six small plastic cylinders that contain progestogen
Solution :
Mode of action of implants is similar to that of oral pills and their effective periods are much longer (3-5 years).
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Question : 7
Given below is a diagrammatic representation of surgical method used in females.
Choose the correct option w.r.t. mode of action of the given method to prevent pregnancy.

Prevents ovulation

Prevents gamete formation

Prevents release of FSH and LH from anterior pituitary
Prevents gamete transport and thereby prevent conception
Solution :
Surgical intervention blocks gamete transport and thereby prevent conception.
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Question : 8
Administration of which of the following contraceptive methods within 72 hours of coitus have been found to be very effective as emergency contraceptives as they could be used to avoid possible pregnancy due to casual unprotected intercourse?


Progestogen-estrogen combination

All of these
Solution :
Administration of progestogens or progestogen-estrogen combination or IUDs within 72 hours of coitus have been found to be very effective as emergency contraceptives.
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Question : 9
Which of the following criteria can be considered as the difference between oral contraceptive pills, injectable contraceptive and implants?

Mode of action

Mode of administration

Duration of effective periods
Both (2) & (3)
Solution :
Oral contraceptives, injectable contraceptives and implants have similar mode of action but difference is in mode of administration and duration of effective periods.
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Question : 10
Which of the following is not an ill effect of using contraceptive?

Uterus perforation and breakthrough bleeding

Abdominal cramps irregular menstrual bleeding and nausea

Abdominal cramps and breast cancer
Still births and ectopic pregnancy
Solution :
Still births, infertility, ectopic pregnancies are the complicated symptoms of sexually transmitted diseases.

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