Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Chemistry XII - ElectroChemistry 04

Question : 1
Correct relation is

Electrochemical equivalent = 

One faraday = One equivalent

One faraday = 6.023 × 1023 electrons
All of these
Solution :
1 F = 96500 coulomb
       = 1 equivalent
       = 6 × 1023 electrons
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Question : 2
The total volume of gases liberated at electrodes at STP when 96.5 ampere current is passed for 10 minutes through acidified water using inert electrode is
10.08 litre

21.05 litre

5.98 litre

15.60 litre
Solution :
Total vol. of gas = 0.6 × 11.2 + 0.6 × 5.6
                             = 10.08 L
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Question : 3
Equivalent of substance can be determined by

Molarity × Volume litre

All of these
Solution :
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Question : 4
Two electrolytic cells connected in series containing aq AgNO3 and aq. CuSO4respectively. During electrolysis 54 g of Ag is deposited at cathode then the amount of Cu deposited would be (At. wt. of Cu = 63.5, Ag = 108)

31.75 g

63.5 g
15.87 g

45.60 g
Solution :
Eq. of Ag deposited = Eq. of Cu
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Question : 5
According to Faraday’s second law of electrolysis; the correct statement is

The number of mole of substance deposited at each electrode will be equal

The weight of the substance deposited at each electrode will be equal
The equivalent of the substance deposited at each electrode will be equal

The volume of each gas deposited at each electrode will be equal
Solution :
The number of equivalent of substance deposited at each electrode is same.
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Question : 6
The number of coulombs required to deposit 4.5 g Al at cathode in the electrolysis of molten AlCl3 using inert cathode
48,250 C

96,500 C

24,125 C

2 × 96,500 C
Solution :
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Question : 7
Three electrolytic cells connected in series containing CuSO4, AlCl3 and SnCl4 respectively in molten state. The ratio of mole of Cu : Al : Sn deposited at cathode is

1 : 1 : 1

Solution :
n-factor of Cu, Al and Sn is 2, 3 and 4
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Question : 8
The number of mole of electrons required to deposit 130 g Zn is (At. wt. of Zn = 65)

1 mole

2 mole

3 mole
4 mole
Solution :
Mole of e = No. of eq of substance.
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Question : 9
According to first law of electrolysis

w = z if one faraday charge is passed

w = z if one ampere current is passed for one minute
w = z if one coulomb of charge is passed for one second

w = z if one coulomb of charge is passed for one hour
Solution :
w = z if one coulomb of charge is
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Question : 10
How many faraday of charge is required to liberate 22.4 litre O2 at STP during electrolysis of aqueous solution of CuSO4 if the current efficiency is 25%?
16 F

6 F

4 F

8 F
Solution :
]22.4 L of O2 = 4 eq.

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