Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Zoology XII+ - Reproduction in Organism 03

Question : 1
Choose odd one w.r.t sexuality in given organisms



Solution :
Earthworms are monoecious or hermaphrodite animals
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Question : 2
Given below is a diagrammatic representation of two animals labelled as A and B

Choose the option which includes animal that is monoecious and has external fertilisation
A only

B only

Both A and B

Only B but the condition is variable according to season
Solution :
Earthworms have external fertilisation
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Question : 3
Which of the following structure is considered as vital link that ensures continuity of species between organisms of one generation and the next?



Unfertilised egg
Solution :
Zygote is vital link that ensures continuity of species
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Question : 4
When the female gamete undergoes development to form new organisms without fertilisation . This phenomena is called parthenogenesis. When only male members are produced by this process, it is called as         a        and is present in         b         .




Solution :
In arrhenotoky, male members are produced by parthenogenesis e.g. honey bee
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Question : 5
Choose the correct set of animals in which fertilization is internal i.e. occurs inside the female body.

Bony fishes, cartilaginous fishes and frogs

Reptiles, birds and bony fishes

Reptiles, frog and mammals
Reptiles, birds and mammals
Solution :
Reptile, birds and mammals have internal fertilization
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Question : 6
Formation of the diploid zygote is universal in all
Sexually reproducing organisms

Asexually reproducing organisms

Organisms reproducing by parthenogenesis

All of these
Solution :
Formation of diploid zygote is universal in all sexually reproducing organism
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Question : 7
Which of the following is considered as a major disadvantage of external fertilisation?

Organisms exhibiting external fertilization show great synchrony between sexes

In external fertilization, syngamy occurs in external medium (water)
Offspring are extremely vulnerable to predators threatening their survival up to adult hood

Both (1) & (2)
Solution :
Offspring are extremely vulnerable to predators threatening their survival up to adulthood is a major disadvantages of external fertilization
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Question : 8
Choose the incorrect statement

Embryonal protection and care are better in oviparous organisms

In reptiles and birds, the fertilized eggs covered by hard calcareous shell are laid in a safe place in the environment

During embryogenesis, zygote undergoes only cell differentiation
Both (1) & (3)
Solution :
Embryonal protection and care are better in viviparous animals
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Question : 9
Choose the correct set which includes only monoecious animals

Earthworm, tapeworm, cockroach
Earthworm, Leeches, tapeworm

Earthworm, sponges, cockroach

Earthworm, sponges, human
Solution :
Earthworm, leeches, tapeworm and sponges are monoecious animals
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Question : 10
Choose odd one w.r.t whether the development of zygote takes place outside the body of female parent or inside the body



Bony fishes
Solution :
Mammals are viviparous while reptile, birds and bony fishes are oviparous

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