Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Zoology XII+ - Reproduction in Organism 01

Question : 1
Period from birth to natural death of an organism can be best defined by term

Life expectancy
Life span

Maximum life span

Limited life span
Solution :
Maximum life span is the maximum number of years survived by any member of a species and life expectancy is maximum no. of individuals that reach upto particular age in a population.
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Question : 2
Find the incorrect statement
Life span can be correlated with size of organism and its metabolic rate

Death of every individual organisms is inevitable except single celled organisms

Reproduction ensure continuity of the different species

Asexual reproduction involve only mitotic division
Solution :
Life span cannot be correlated with the size of organism.
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Question : 3
Maximum life span is the characteristic of     A      and life expectancy is the characteristic of     B     
A – Species, B – Population

A – Population, B – Organism

A – Organism, B – Species

A – Species, B – Individual
Solution :
Maximum life span is a characteristic of species and life expectancy is a characteristic of population.
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Question : 4
Match the following animals with their life span

a(iv), b(i), c(iii), d(ii)

a(i), b(iv), c(ii), d(iii)

a(iv), b(i), c(ii), d(iii)

a(iii), b(ii), c(i), d(iv)
Solution :
Life span of butterfly 1–2 weeks. Cow 20–25 years. Fruit fly is 30 days and elephant 60–90 years
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Question : 5
Which category of reproduction produce genetically similar individuals?



Sexual reproduction
Both (1) & (2)
Solution :
Both (1) and (2) are other names of asexual reproduction.
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Question : 6

Binary fission Conidia Gemmule

Fragmentation Budding Zoospore

Multiple fission Fragmentation Conidia
Binary fission Budding Gemmule
Solution :
A – Binary fission in Amoeba
B – External bud in Hydra
C – Gemmule/internal bud in sponges
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Question : 7
Which of the following character is not true for asexual mode of reproduction?

Single parent is capable of producing offspring

Offsprings are morphologically and genetically same

It is common mode of reproduction among single celled organisms and in plants and animals with simple organizations
They always show formation and fusion of gametes
Solution :
Asexually reproducing organisms may or may not show gamete formation but they never show fusion of gametes.
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Question : 8
Binary fission results in the formation of an independent daughter individuals, which resemble each other. Mark the organism in which binary fission results in formation of two dissimilar daughters



Solution :
Paramoecium produces 2 daughter – one proter (anterior) and the other opisthe (posterior)
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Question : 9
Following are the some of the events involved in the multiple fission of Amoeba. Which of these events is incorrectly mentioned?

Its nucleus divides several times by amitosis without involving cytokinesis

Amoeba withdraw its pseudopodia in response to unfavourable conditions and develop three layered hard cyst around itself
During unfavourable condition encysted Amoeba divide by multiple fission and produce many amoebulae

Cyst will burst out in favourable season and minute amoebae comes out
Solution :
Encysted Amoeba divide during favourable season.
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Question : 10
What could not be considered as disadvantage of asexual reproduction?

Rapid multiplication can lead to overcrowding
It is a simple mode of reproduction and need less resources

Play no role in evolution

Adaptability to change in environment is low due to absence of variations
Solution :
Asexual reproduction is uniparental so energy is not wasted in search of partner. It is simple and fast mode of reproduction

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