Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Zoology XII+ - Human Reproduction 11

Question : 1
Fertilization is a physio-chemical process that can occur only if sperm and ovum are transported simultaneously at a particular region. Which is considered to be the best site for this event so that chances of its survival are more?

Beginning of fallopian tube
Junction of ampulla and isthmus

Body cavity where oocyte is released from ovary

Junction of infundibulum and ampulla
Solution :
If fertilization occurs at the site other than junction of ampulla and isthmus, the chances of ectopic pregnancy is high, which is generally terminated before full
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Question : 2
Human male ejaculate about 2–3 ml of semen into vagina of female during coitus. Which of the following must be required for normal fertility?

At least 60% sperms must be of normal shape and size

At least 40% of them must show vigorous motility

The sperm count should be at least 50 million/ejaculation
Both (1) & (2)
Solution :
For normal fertility sperm count should be at least 200-300 million / ejaculation.
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Question : 3
Fertilization is species specific and this specificity is provided by fertilizin-antifertilizin reaction. Antifertilizin is produced by

Mature eggs

Immature eggs
Capacitated sperms

Decapacitated sperms
Solution :
Mature/capacitated sperms produce antifertilizin and mature eggs produce fertilizin.
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Question : 4
Fertilizin is basically a

Acidic protein


Solution :
Fertilizin is produced by mature ovum and is a glycoprotein.
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Question : 5
In the absence of which ion, fertilization does not occur even if approximation between male and female gamete has taken place?



Solution :
Ca+2 is responsible for changing undulating movement of sperms to whiplash movement.
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Question : 6
Fertilization includes the following different events in humans. Find the exact sequence of events happening
a. Cortical reaction
b. Recognition
c. Agglutination
d. Reception cone formation
e. Depolarisation
f. Acrosomal reaction
g. Zona reaction
b − c − f − d − e − a − g

b − c − d − f − e − a − g

c − b − f − d − g − e − a

c − b − d − f − a − g − e
Solution :
In case of humans only that sperm is able to fertilize ovum which show recognition and agglutination.
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Question : 7
Which of the following event occurs immediately after the entry of first sperm into ovum?
Influx of Na+

Acrosomal reaction

Formation of fertilization membrane

Oocyte completes its meiosis II immediately
Solution :
After entry of 1st sperm, depolarization wave spreads.
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Question : 8
Which of the following will be included under slow blockage to polyspermy?

Depolarisation of egg membrane

Cortical reaction

Zona reaction
Both (2) & (3)
Solution :
Depolarisation is the fast blockage whereas cortical reaction and zona reaction are slow blockage to polyspermy
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Question : 9
During the course of fertilization, which of the following layers A, B & C will be degraded by hyaluronidase?



Both A & C
Solution :
A – Corona radiata
B – Zona pellucida
C – Perivitelline space.
Hyaluronidase dissolve hyaluronic acid, a cementing substance between follicles of corona radiata.
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Question : 10
Depolarisation of egg membrane results in release of Ca2+ ions from endoplasmic reticulum. This Ca2+ wave causes

Release of fertilin from sperms
Extrusion of cortical granules

Dissolving of corona radiata

Destruction of receptors for sperms on zona pellucida
Solution :
Ca2+ wave brings cortical granules to the surface that releases enzymes in pervitelline space that makes zona pellucida impervious to second sperm.

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