Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Chemistry XII -Chemical Kinetics 03

Question : 1
The correct expression for a reaction of 1st order kinetics is [where [A0] = initial concentration, [A] = final concentration]

[A] = [A0]e–kt

ln[A] = kt + ln[A0]

Both (1) & (3)
Solution :
Correct expression
[A] = [A0]e–kt
for 1st order reaction in exponential form
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Question : 2
For a second order reaction, the correct graph shown is

Solution :
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Question : 3
For a zero order reaction, if the initial concentration is tripled, the half life period becomes

3 times

Remains unaffected
Solution :
For zero order reaction t1/2 ∝ [A0 ]
Hence half life becomes 3 times
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Question : 4
Find rate constant for a first order reaction if t99.9% is 1000 minutes

100 min–1
6.93 × 10–3 min–1

6.93 × 10–4 min–1

1000 min–1
Solution :
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Question : 5
The graph shown below i.e. represents


Zero order reaction

1st order reaction

2nd order reaction
3rd order reaction
Solution :
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Question : 6
If for a reaction of radioactive decay 20% of the reaction is completed in 50 minutes, then in how much time 60% of the reaction is completed [log 2 = 0.30, log 3 = 0.477, log 6 = 0.778, log 8 = 0.90]

25 min

100 min

150 min
200 min
Solution :
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Question : 7
Slope of the graph between ln[A] vs time for 1st order reaction is [where [A] = final concentration]



Solution :
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Question : 8
Starting with 100 g of radioactive substance, how much of it is left after two half life?

100 g

50 g
25 g

Substance gets fully reacted
Solution :
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Question : 9
For a first order reaction the correct graph shown between log   versus time

Solution :
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Question : 10
For a zero order reaction, if 10% of the reactant is consumed in 10 minute, find half life period of reaction

0.693 min
50 min

100 min

693 min
Solution :
Zero order reaction

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