Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Zoology XII+ - Human Reproduction 13

Question : 1
After implantation, inner cell mass get differentiated into three germ layers that give rise to all the tissues/organs in adult. Find the incorrect combination of organ/s and germ layer involved in its formation.
      Organs/System                      Germ layer
(1)  Skeleton, muscles                   Mesoderm
(2)  Notochord, nerve cord               Ectoderm
(3)  Liver, pancreas                         Endoderm
(4)  Pineal gland, hypothalamus      Ectoderm



Solution :
Notochord is mesodermal in origin.
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Question : 2
Which of the following embryonic germinal layer is formed from trophoblast?



None of these
Solution :
Trophoblast makes placenta and extra embryonic membranes.
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Question : 3
Gastrulation is basically a morphogenetic movement of blastomeres. Termination of gastrulation is indicated by

Obliteration of archenteron
Obliteration of blastocoel

Closure of blastopore

Closure of neural tube
Solution :
Gastrulation process is considered to be complete when blastocoels obliterates and new cavity archenteron is formed.
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Question : 4
If gastrulation involve migration and spreading of micromeres over the embryo, the type of morphogenetic movement is



Solution :
Invagination results in formation of a slit that later on gives rise to blastopore. Involution is curling in of mesoderm cells towards anterior side along the roof of blastocoels; Ingression is the migration of individual vegetal cells to the interior of the embryo.
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Question : 5
In human embryonic development which of the following events takes place by the end of the second month of pregnancy?

Most of the major organ systems are formed
Limbs and digits are formed

Eyelids separate and eyelashes are formed

First movement of baby is observed
Solution :
All major organs are formed by the end of 1st trimester; 1st movement is
observed during fifth month; eyelids open and eyelashes are formed by the
end of 2nd trimester.
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Question : 6
The first sign of growing foetus appear after listening heart sound carefully through the stethoscope. This sound can be noticed by the
End of first month

End of first trimester

End of second month

End of second trimester
Solution :
Heart is formed by the end of 4th week of pregnancy.
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Question : 7
Blastopore is formed in
Gastrula – opening of archenteron

Blastula – opening of blastocoel

Blastula – opening of archenteron

Gastrula – opening of blastocoel
Solution :
Blastopore is formed in gastrula stage and is an opening of archenteron.
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Question : 8
The earliest haemopoietic site of a developing foetus is


Yolk sac

Solution :
Yolk sac synthesise blood for early 2-3 weeks of development.
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Question : 9
Following is the diagrammatic representation of foetus surrounded by different extra embryonic membranes. Find the exact marking of these membranes along with the appropriate function performed by it.

A – Amnion – Prevent sticking of embryo to uterine wall
B – Yolk sac – Provide nourishment to developing embryo
A – Chorion – Surrounds the whole embryonic system of embryo
B – Allantois – Act as embryonic urinary bladder

C – Yolk sac – Synthesis of blood and blood vessels
D – Amnion – Protect embryo from mechanical shock

C – Allantois – Formation of blood vessels
D – Chorion – Make chorionic villi for placenta formation
Solution :
A – Chorion
B – Allantois
C – Yolk sac
D – Amnion
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Question : 10
Gestation period in humans is ________ when counted from day of conception to delivery.

266 days

280 days

38 weeks
Both (1) & (3)
Solution :
Gestation period is 280 days when counted from last menstrual cycle to delivery.

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