Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Botany XII - Principles of Inheritance and Variation 01

Question : 1
Consider the following three statements (a–c) and select the option which includes all the correct ones only
(a) Heredity deals with the phenomenon of “like begets like”
(b) Genetics deals with inheritance as well as the variation
(c) Humans knew from as early as 800–1000 B.C. that one of the causes of variation was hidden in sexual reproduction

b & c
a & b
All a, b & c

a & c
Solution :
8000–10000 B.C.
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Question : 2
Which of the following allele influences the appearance of the phenotype only in the presence of another identical allele?

Dominant allele

Co-dominant allele
Recessive allele

Wild allele
Solution :
Dominant allele influences the appearance
of the phenotype even in the
presence of an alternative allele.
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Question : 3
Which of the following variations are responsible for formation of new species?

Somatogenic variations


Discontinuous variations
More than one option is correct
Solution :
Both (2) & (3)
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Question : 4
Polydactyly in humans is an example of
Meristic discontinuous variation

Substantive continuous variation

Meristic continuous variation

Substantive discontinuous variation
Solution :
Meristic variation – Change in number of
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Question : 5
Which of the following statement for a trait is correct?

Includes two contrasting non-inheritable characters
An inherited character and its detectable variant

Representation of an individual’s genetic constitution

Feature of garden pea only
Solution :
Each character has two traits.
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Question : 6
Study of various aspects of chromosomes is called as

Biochemical genetics

Forward genetics

Reverse genetics
Solution :
Biochemical genetics/ molecular
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Question : 7
Mark the incorrect match.

Saltations                  –           Discontinuous variation

Variation                      –           Degree by which progeny differs from their parents
Forward genetics       –           Study of genes whose protein products are unknown

Inheritance                 –           Process by which characters are passed on from parent to progeny
Solution :
Option (3) for reverse genetics
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Question : 8
Variation in number of grains in an ear of wheat is due to

Point mutation

Genomatic mutation

Asexual reproduction
Solution :
It is an example of continuous variation
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Question : 9
Which of the following variations are acquired and noninheritable in nature?



Solution :
Blastogenic inheritance may be meristic
or substantive type.
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Question : 10
Mark the incorrect match.

Behavioural genetics           –      Study of interaction of genes with the environment to produce a particular
                                                     pattern of behaviour

Blastogenic variation           –      Inheritable in nature

Molecular genetics               –     Study of structure and
function of genes
Meristic variation                  –     Influence shape, colour and
Solution :
Substantive – Influence shape, colour
and size.

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