Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Chemistry XII - ElectroChemistry 07

Question : 1
In concentration cell
Ecell = 0
E°cell = 0

ΔG° = 0

All of these
Solution :
In concentration cell both the half cell are
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Question : 2
In the given concentration cell,
Pt(s)|H2(P2 atm)|H+(C2)||H+(C1)|H2(P1 atm)|Pt(s)
the cell reaction is spontaneous in forward direction if
(C2)2P1 < (C1)2P2

(C2)2P1 > (C2)2P2

(C2)2P1 = (C1)2P2

C1 + C2 = P1 + P2
Solution :
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Question : 3
When equilibrium is attained in electrochemical cell, then

Electrode potential of anode > Electrode potential of cathode

Electrode potential of anode < Electrode potential of cathode
Electrode potential of anode = Electrode potential of cathode

Flow of electron is increased
Solution :
At equilibrium, Ecell = 0
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Question : 4
In concentration cell

Anode is that electrode in which concentration of electrolyte solution is high

Cathode is that electrode in which concentration of electrolyte solution is low
Cathode is that electrode in which concentration of electrolyte solution is high

Any electrode can be made anode or cathode because both electrodes are of same material
Solution :
Reduction potential of M|Mn+ is directly
proportional to [Mn+]
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Question : 5
ΔG° may be equal to zero when the equilibrium constant (K) is

K > 1

K < 1
K = 1

All of these
Solution :
ΔG = ΔG° + RT ln Q
At equilibrium, ΔG = 0
∴ ΔG° = –RT ln K
= 0 if K = 1

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Question : 6
The emf of the cell
A|A+3(10–3 M)||A+3(10–1 M)|A is
0.039 volt

0.089 volt

–0.059 volt

+0.059 volt
Solution :
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Question : 7
The reduction potential of the electrode is,
Pt|Cl2(10 atm)|2Cl(10–5 M).
If E° Cl2/Cl = 1.36 V
1.68 volt

–1.68 volt

1.18 volt

–1.18 volt
Solution :
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Question : 8
The correct relation is
Welectrical = –ΔG

At equilibrium ΔG° = 0

ΔG° = –2.303 nRT lnK

Welectrical = F × Ecell
Solution :
Useful work done = ΔG = –nFEcell
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Question : 9
For a particular electrochemical cell, which one of the following statements is correct?
Current flows from cathode to anode

Ecell is constant having different concentration of ions

Both E°cell and Ecell are constant having different concentrations of ions

Neither E°cell nor Ecell is constant having different concentration of ions
Solution :
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Question : 10
The maximum work done for the following cell is,
A|A+3||B+2|B; E°cell = 0.30 volt

280.65 kJ

305.60 kJ

109.16 kJ
173.7 kJ
Solution :
ΔG° = o
= –6 × 96500 × 0.30
= –173.7 kJ

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